Piloting Zooniverse To Help Us Understand Citizen Food Perceptions
Food Side Co-Investigators - Luca Panzone (University Of Newcastle), Ximena Schmidt (University Of Manchester), Astrid Kause (University Of Leeds), Charles Ffoulkes (ADAS)
STFC Side Co-Investigators - Chris Lintott (Zooniverse, Oxford University), Stephen Serjeant (Open University), Changqiong Wang (University Of Reading), Coleman Krawczyk (University Of Portsmouth)
STFC Side Co-Investigators - Chris Lintott (Zooniverse, Oxford University), Stephen Serjeant (Open University), Changqiong Wang (University Of Reading), Coleman Krawczyk (University Of Portsmouth)
There is a food knowledge disconnect between the food research community, and general population. Food experts know detailed information about foods, but we do not know, (and cannot measure easily) what citizens understand or perceive to know about food. This pilot will use the STFC funded Zooniverse platform to ask citizens to provide their perceptions about images of specific foods (and serving sizes). For each image, one of a range of questions will be asked including perceptions of greenhouse gas emissions and energy (calorie content). We currently have 2 food image banks from prior projects (Intake24, and NU-Food). These will be uploaded to Zooniverse and used as the pilot classification dataset. Results will be analysed using Bayesian statistics, after seeking advice from STFC data scientists.
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects