STRIMER - Strawberry Ripeness Identification By Microwave Resonance
PI- Fumie Costen (University Of Manchester)
STFC Side Co-Investigator - Brian Ellison (STFC RAL Space)
STFC Side Co-Investigator - Brian Ellison (STFC RAL Space)
Soft fruit produce is a highly productive and competitive sector of UK agricultural industry. It is worth more than £1.2B/year to the economy and provides extensive employment. Of this, approximately 70% is derived from strawberry production; a highly seasonal group with a short and critical harvesting period. Determining optimum strawberry ripeness is essential in maximising crop yield and quality, which increases profit and export competitiveness. The University of Manchester(UoM), with the support of the STFC, proposes to develop a novel strawberry ripeness indicator that uses a microwave resonance technique to measure growth- related variation in the fruit complex permittivity. Manchester and STFC possess advanced microwave software modelling tools, instrumentation and expertise to support preliminary simulation and proof-of-concept experimental work. A ripeness estimation algorithm will be generated and a future portable system conceived that, when developed, will provide fruit farmers with a new agricultural tool.
Read more about this project in this presentation.
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects
Read more about this project in this presentation.
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects