Combining IR And Pattern Recognition To Enhance Pregnancy Success In Cattle: Sensing Well Done Steak
PI - Niamh Forde (University Of Leeds)
STFC Side Co-Investigators - Anthony Brown (Durham University), Stephen Serjeant (Open University)
STFC Side Co-Investigators - Anthony Brown (Durham University), Stephen Serjeant (Open University)
This project will apply pattern recognition techniques, used to analyse astronomical data, to drone-based infrared imaging technology to rapidly survey livestock, spread over a large area, and identify female cows to be inseminated. We will capitalise on the STFC drone expertise for this project. We will look to quantify the accuracy the technique by calibrating the infrared sensors, the accuracy of the automated pattern recognition software, and ultimately, the accuracy of the technique by training against a control sample of cows that are near ovulation. Our proof-of-concept test will be a blind test, with only the PI knowing which cow is near ovulation, and the research Co-I's identifying the cow with drone-based imaging.
Read more about the project in this blog.
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects
Read more about the project in this blog.
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects