The Use Of Aroma Volatiles Profile For Detecting Mesocarp Disorders In Avocado Fruit
PI - Marcin Glowacz (Natural Resources Institute, University Of Greenwich)
STFC Side Co-Investigators - Geraint Morgan (AST Solutions And Open University), Simon Sheridan (AST Solutions And Open University)
STFC Side Co-Investigators - Geraint Morgan (AST Solutions And Open University), Simon Sheridan (AST Solutions And Open University)
The avocado fruit is prone to developing various internal disorder (e.g. vascular browning, grey pulp, fungal decay, etc.) which are not visible from the outside. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the feasibility of using thermal desorption gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) system for determining aroma volatile organic compounds (VOCs) profile. It would inform us whether this system can be used for detecting mesocarp disorders in avocado fruit - reducing the number of poor quality fruit within the supply chain, in this way decreasing the likelihood of consumers’ complaints and thus increasing their satisfaction. This scoping project combines the knowledge of avocado fruit physiology with the specialized expertise in the collection, separation and identification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in remote locations, as exemplified by the successful development and application of the Ptolemy instrument, after a 10 year and 4 billion mile journey, for the comet chasing Rosetta mission.
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects
2018 AWARDED SCOPING PROJECT - More scoping projects